About Me

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Naples, Florida
I like to laugh. If you don't, please hit whatever button escorts you from the premises immediately. I write a humor column for the Naples Daily News called, get this, "Life is Heald." It's about life as we all see it, just from a pair of rose-colored glasses that need cleaning. I tell stories, I rant about things that drive us all to the point of filling out a gun permit, I make fun of you and I make fun of me. If I can't use it in the column for whatever reason, it ends up here. Sometimes, you'll need to read the column to know what I'm writing about, but often the posts are just random, drive-by thoughts that entered my brain and exited my fingers. Just a flesh wound, so don't go dialing 911 about anything you read here. This is not one of those blogs that will tell you how many prunes it took to jump start my last bowel movement or what grade the kid got on his math test. The good stuff, I save for the Christmas newsletter.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Picky, Picky

To the guy behind me at the traffic light yesterday who was attempting to climb inside of himself by entering through his nose...TINTED WINDOWS ARE NOT JUST FOR REDUCING THE SUN'S HARMFUL EFFECTS, THEY CAN ALSO PREVENT OTHERS FROM RETCHING INTO THEIR LAPS WHEN THEY CATCH SIGHT OF YOU TRYING TO SCRATCH YOUR BRAIN THROUGH THE FRONT OF YOUR FACE!  Not only do I need a new rear view miror after I ripped mine from the windshield, but my car smells like Captain Crunch, which wouldn't be horrible except the milk went bad.  On the plus side, if there's video available of you doing this, it should be shown to all beginning drivers who would, I feel certain, never take their eyes off the road again.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

So that's what "waste not, want not" means?

     At the grocery store I patronize, they have a big box set up just as you leave for a local food bank.  I think food banks are wonderful and encourage one and all to donate, but I have this strange feeling they're not getting all the food they could be getting.
     The sign on the food box at my grocery store says something to the effect of "Donate all your unwanted food here for the local food bank."  So, I stopped, looked down in my cart, and damn if I hadn't purchased only things I wanted.  Surely, there had to be something in there I didn't want, but I couldn't find it.  I looked at my list, maybe one of the kids had written something down they didn't really want.  Nope, no luck.  There was some food in the box, which only made me feel worse for not buying stuff I didn't want.  On top of all this, I really thought I had this shopping thing down, seeing as how I'm here every day, but clearly, I have so much more to learn.  I went straight home and looked at our grocery list.  Nothing but stuff we wanted.  We are one selfish household.  We had a family meeting that night to address this unwanted food thing.  Nobody seemed to understand what I was talking about and I was of little help because I had no idea either.  I'll have to do some research.  There must be a trick to buying unwanted food when you go to the store.  Maybe the food bank people can help.  Wish me luck.